Sunday, 7 August 2011


blog entry - 07 08 11

This is my first ever honest-to-god post, so firstly I'm gonna say hi.  Welcome.  And thank you for reading.


Everybody has to have a name.  Names are a means of identification.  Often it doesn't really matter what the name actually is, its just a means of identifying the person whose name it is.

I'm going to give you a name... and its a name that I'm going to use as my pen name.  Not my real name, but there you go.

Today, I'm born.  Today I have come into the world and started to create an identity.  A name, if you like, for myself.

Its not my real name and not my real birthday either.  Which is in February, I feel that I can share that much with you, and will be aiming to get to know you all as time goes by.

I've chosen Sunday as my Day To Blog.  Why Sunday?  Depending on your point of view, its either the ending of one week of the beginning of the next.  It bridges the line between two set time constructs.  A week, is I feel, an artificial construct.  Not that I really believe in anything called a weekend but that's just me.  We'll save that one for another time.

And the topic for today is...

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