Monday 31 October 2011

Another way of writing

Everybody writes blogs.

Whilst I'm no expert at it, I think that I'm getting better at it.  But this one, guys and gals is an historic one.  One for your diary, peeps.

Because this one, I'm writing... standing up.  As opposed to sitting down, or even lying down (have done that too).

I am standing up.  On my own two feet.  And its weird.  And I'm a little bit uncomfortable with the thought that I might fall back. 

Standing up.  Being a wheelchair user for about 60% of the day - deducting driving and lying down for well, sleep.   Being in that position isn't good for the body, because its not good for muscles which shorten and tighten and atrophy, and bone density drops - if that is the correct term.

So I'm making more of a concerted effort to put weight through my legs. 

And I thought, whilst I'm up here, might as well do something worthwhile, I know, I'll blog about standing up!

Which is weird - again weird.  I haven't got my shoes on, which again isn't helping my balance. 

Been standing for about 10 minutes now.

Usually, I'm reading.  Naked Heat by Richard Castle: 80% through that one.  But this time I thought that I'd try to do something a little more pro-active.

Boy are my feet aching.  Leaving the shoes off to write the blog - not a good idea, I'm thinking.  Or realising.

I told myself that the blog would stop when I couldn't stand for much longer - hey do you think that's where that phrase originates from?

Standing up the world isn't that much different - except that I stand up a bit to get my car into the car and for odd times at work - usually when I want to make an impact.

But I'm not a tall person - about 5 foot nothing.  So standing up, as opposed to sitting down doesn't change my worldview... much.

But I think that my legs are going to give, so its time to finish early.

Bye for now.  Take care.


Tuesday 18 October 2011

Interlude. Or Reflections On When Things Don’t Run Smoothly.

You may have noticed that I haven’t been here for a few weeks.  Well, that’s not true: I have been here, just not here.  Writing.  Regularly.

It was my aim, and well, I blew it.


And now its not a Sunday and I’m blogging, or reflecting.  Because this is the writing process.  The whole of it.  Harlan Coben wrote that a writer is somebody who just writes and has to write and can’t live without writing.

Well, that’s nice but… my job kinda gets in the way.  I have a Life and that gets in the way, too.  In a fun, lovely, special, annoying kind of way.

And I really like my job too.  I know its crazy… but its true.  When you get caught between the moon and new –

Sorry.  Got sidetracked there.

As I did with Life. 

That’s going to happen sometimes and I’m not really going to be able to get away with it.  As lovely as the Alpasmart NEO is, its not my old Amstrad NC200, so just picking up and writing isn’t the same anymore.

This is Progress.  Or so I’m told.

But the point is, the point is, that I’m going to get back on track very soon.  Watch this space.

Take care
